Welcome To St. Ann's High School
Msgr.Dominic Barbero invited the Sisters of St.Ann of Divine Providence to Hyderabad Vicariate and Mother Enrichetta Dominici Selected six sisters on November 20, 1870. and these six sisters arrived in Secunderabad on 3rd March 1871. The Sisters were entrusted with the orphanage and education of girls. Sisters also expanded their educational apostolate in different parts of the Diocese and also took up other fields of apostolate to carry the mission of Christ entrusted to all of us...
Our Principal's Message
St.Ann’s forever we will cheer
God bless our dear old school................
So goes our school song – the very essence of our existence as an educational institution. We are an educational institution for women, of women and by women, with decades of service in the field of education- empowering women of all ages to achieve their purpose in life.

We see our students come into our institution at a very tender age, we see them grow and bloom. As we see them play, learn, work hard at their studies, we realise the role we play in moulding them. Times today have changed, the young learners have access to gadgets and opportunities and exposure that a decade ago would have astounded us.
Change is essential for growth, change for the better. It is the law of nature that things change and in the process there are bound to be areas in which a lot of restructuring and reinventing is required. When we see our students on the threshold of their lives, we realise that they have to be guided, their energy channelized in the right direction, new vistas opened for them as they grow and recognise their strengths. Acceptance, encouragement and appreciation by their parents and teachers spurs them on to grow and blossom.

St. Ann's High School is a Minority Institution. As such the first preference is given ..

So goes our school song – the very essence of our existence as an educational institution...

The school fees will be collected from the 2nd week of June onwards. The students ..

During the mid-80's, Rakesh Sharma proved to be a pioneer in the field of piloting

The school emblem depicts a beehive with bees and the motto ..

Hair should be neatly cross-plaited and tied with black ribbons...
See more photos here
Our campus offers an inspiring and learning environment to students of all grades, our campus offers wide open lush green environment away from the hustle of the in a quiet neighborhood which is centrally located in bowenpally, which is within 30 minutes drive to all the major residential areas in secunderabad.